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LONGLEGS Movie Review (263)

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LONGLEGS Movie Review (263) Two Peas

This week, Gerald welcomes Stew of Stew World Order to review Oz Perkins’ latest, Longlegs. Is this the scariest movie of the year? What kind of Nick Cage performance do we get? Does Gerald need to turn in his horror guy card? Find out on this week’s exciting episode of Two Peas on a Podcast!

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Dan Brenic, Caleb Brownley, Daniel Henderson, Michele Doto, Paul Przytula, Chris Yeany, Julio Olivera, Drew Hallum, Dan Roske, Jarrod Taylor, Michael Hill, Jason, David Powell, Joey Austin, Imran Javed, Kayla McCoy, Rebecca Lerch, Brett Parker, Justin Winters, Heidi England, and Brad Hargis.

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