Shin Chan

Do you get offended easily? Well quit being a little bitch....No, wait I'm sorry, that was insensitive. What I meant to say was, this episode of Rabbit Ears will melt a Millennial Snowflake like a pizza oven in hell. So if you're offended easily, Ashlee's verbal warning at the beginning of the show serves as your second that this episode is not for the faint of heart. So fuck off. I mean, shit, sorry that was mean. Come back if we ever review Barney the Dinosaur.

We're talking Shin Chan, a somewhat obscure Japanese Manga series that's somehow more offensive than the potty mouthed adolescents of South Park Colorado. To properly delve into the graphic nature of Shin Chan we brought in an expert of Animated Child Nudity or something, Caleb Edward from that awesome Podfix podcast Netflix N' Swill.

You can find Rabbit Ears on Social Media @RabbitEarsTVpod and Caleb's show Netflix N' Swill @netflixnswill on iTunes and all the other friggin great Podcasting platforms. 
