Pilot: Time Spiral Remastered Blue/White Spoilers

In this inaugural eppy of Stacking Triggers, we briefly discuss our purpose for being, talk about the decks we’re playing, and get into some Time Spiral Remastered cards we’re looking forward to.

Links to our decklists:

Dan’s Azorius Control https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/azorius-control-plus-1/

Caleb’s Red Deck Wins https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/red-deck-wins-i-hope/?cb=1614878268

Bill’s Slow Drip https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/slow-drip-3/

Follow the show on Twitter at https://twitter.com/stmtgpodcast

Our theme music is “Ale and Anecdotes” by Darren Curtis. Check out more of his royalty-free music at https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/